Monthly Archives: March 2023

Promoting Healthy Habits and Physical Activity in Children

Physical activity is essential for the overall development of young children, and play schools have a significant role to play in promoting healthy habits and physical activity. Play schools not only provide a safe and supportive environment for children but also expose them to a variety of physical activities that help build healthy habits from an early age. In this blog, we will explore how play schools help in promoting healthy habits and physical activity in children, and the benefits of this for their physical and mental development.

How playschools help in promoting healthy habits and physical activity


Structured physical activities:


Play schools usually have a structured schedule that includes physical activities like running, jumping, and playing games. These activities help in improving the physical fitness of children and also develop their motor skills. The teachers and staff at play schools are trained to design physical activities that are age-appropriate and safe for children.


Outdoor play:


Outdoor play is an essential part of a child’s physical development. Play schools usually have a playground where children can play and engage in physical activities. Outdoor play helps in developing gross motor skills, improves hand-eye coordination, and enhances balance and agility.


Healthy eating habits:


Play schools usually provide snacks or meals for children. These snacks or meals are designed to provide the necessary nutrients that are essential for a child’s growth and development. Teachers and staff at play schools also educate children about healthy eating habits and the importance of eating a balanced diet.


Hygiene practices:


Play schools are also great places to learn about hygiene practices. Children are taught about the importance of washing hands, brushing their teeth, and keeping themselves clean. These practices help in preventing the spread of germs and diseases and promote good health.


Sleep and rest:


Adequate sleep and rest are essential for the physical and mental well-being of children. Play schools usually have a designated nap time or rest time where children can take a break from physical activities and relax. This helps in recharging their energy levels and prepares them for the next activity.


Teamwork and social skills:


Physical activities at play schools also promote teamwork and social skills in children. Children learn to work together and play together, which helps in developing their social skills and improves their ability to communicate and cooperate with others.


Exposure to different activities:


Play schools expose children to a wide range of physical activities, such as dance, yoga, and sports. This exposure helps children to discover what they enjoy and excel in, which can lead to a lifelong love of physical activity.


Reduced screen time:


Play schools limit the amount of screen time children have during the day, which helps to reduce sedentary behaviour and promote physical activity. Instead of spending time in front of screens, children are encouraged to engage in physical activities, play with toys and interact with their peers.


Safety measures:


Play schools also ensure the safety of children during physical activities. Teachers and staff are trained to identify and address potential hazards and ensure that children are playing in a safe and secure environment.


Healthy competition:


Play schools also introduce children to healthy competition through games and sports. This helps children learn the importance of good sportsmanship, fair play, and teamwork.


 Role models:


Teachers and staff at play schools serve as positive role models for children when it comes to physical activity and healthy habits. They encourage children to adopt healthy habits and lead by example, by staying active and engaging in healthy behaviours themselves.


Family involvement:


Play schools often encourage family involvement in promoting physical activity and healthy habits. They may organise family events that involve physical activity or provide parents with resources and tips for promoting healthy behaviours at home.


Mental health benefits:


Physical activity is not only essential for physical health, but it also has mental health benefits. Play schools promote physical activity that helps reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall emotional well-being of children.




When children engage in physical activity and sports, they develop a sense of accomplishment and improve their self-esteem. This helps children build confidence, which can have a positive impact on their overall development.


Introduction to healthy lifestyle choices:


Play schools introduce children to healthy lifestyle choices, which can have a positive impact on their overall health. This includes educating children about the importance of eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and engaging in physical activity.


Prevention of childhood obesity:


Play schools play an essential role in preventing childhood obesity. Through physical activity and healthy eating habits, playschools help children maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the risk of developing obesity-related health conditions later in life.



Play schools play a crucial role in promoting physical activity and healthy habits in young children. By providing a safe, supportive environment and exposing children to a variety of physical activities, playschools help children develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Benefits of outdoor play and nature exploration in school children

Outdoor play and nature exploration are essential components of a child’s development and overall well-being. Play is a child’s way of learning about the world around them, and nature offers an unlimited supply of opportunities for children to learn, explore, and have fun. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of outdoor play and nature exploration for children, specifically in a play school or preschool.


Physical Development

Outdoor play provides children with opportunities for physical activity, which is crucial for their growth and development. Children are naturally active and playful, and the outdoors provides them with a large space to run, jump, climb, and engage in other physical activities. This physical activity helps children to develop gross motor skills, such as balance and coordination, and improve their overall fitness. Playtime in Playschools plays the most important part in their physical development


Mental and Emotional Development

Nature and outdoor play also have a positive impact on children’s mental and emotional well-being. Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and increase feelings of happiness. This is because being in nature has a calming effect on the brain, which can help to regulate emotions and provide a sense of peace and tranquility.


Social and Cognitive Development

Playing outdoors provides children with opportunities to engage in social interactions with their peers, which is essential for their social and cognitive development. Children learn to cooperate, communicate, and negotiate with each other, which helps to develop their social skills and emotional intelligence. Additionally, In play schools, outdoor play also provides opportunities for children to learn and explore their surroundings, which helps to stimulate their cognitive development.


Nature Exploration

Nature exploration is a great way for children to learn about the world around them and develop a love for the environment. Children are naturally curious and eager to learn, and nature provides an unlimited supply of opportunities for learning and discovery. When children explore nature, they learn about the different types of plants and animals that live in their environment, as well as the environment itself. This helps to foster a sense of respect and appreciation for the natural world, which can last a lifetime.


Improves Creativity

It provides children with opportunities for imaginative play, creativity, and independent thought. When children play outside, they have the freedom to use their imagination and create their own games and activities, which can help to develop their creativity and independent thinking. This type of play allows children to express themselves in unique and imaginative ways and helps to build their confidence and self-esteem.


Sensory Development

Nature exploration enhances children’s sensory development. Children are exposed to a variety of sensory experiences, such as the sounds of birds, the smell of fresh air, and the feel of grass under their feet. These experiences help to stimulate children’s senses and provide a more well-rounded sensory experience than they would have indoors.


Enhance Academic Performance

Incorporating outdoor play and nature exploration into a play school’s curriculum can also have a positive impact on children’s academic performance. Studies have shown that children who spend time outdoors perform better in school and have better attention span, memory recall, and problem-solving skills. This is because outdoor play and nature exploration provide opportunities for hands-on learning, which is a more engaging and effective way of learning for young children.


Improve Problem-Solving Skills 

It has a positive impact on children’s creativity and problem-solving skills. When children are given the freedom to play and explore in a natural setting, they are able to come up with their own ideas and solutions to problems they encounter. This type of independent thinking and creativity can help children develop critical thinking skills and foster their imagination.


Provide Hands-on Experience

Outdoor play provides opportunities for children to learn about the world in a hands-on, experiential way. Children are able to see, touch, and interact with their environment, which helps to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the natural world. 

Play schools include children in activities where they can enjoy learning by experience. This type of learning is particularly beneficial for young children as it helps to engage them in a meaningful and memorable way.


Improves Peer Learning

It is also important to note that it impacts children’s relationships with each other and with their environment positively. When children play together in a natural setting, they are able to develop strong bonds with each other and learn to respect and appreciate their environment. This helps to create a sense of community and foster a positive relationship with the natural world, which can last a lifetime. Peer Learning is a major advantage of putting your children in the best play school.


Decreases Stress Levels

Outdoor play has a positive impact on children’s stress levels and emotional well-being. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, children are exposed to many stressors, both at home and at school. Outdoor play and nature exploration provides children with an opportunity to escape from these stressors and experience the calming effects of being in nature. Research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Play schools or Preschools can cause a bit of stress to the children as they spend time away from their parents, Outdoor play can help in reducing stress.


Builds Confidence

It can also provide children with a sense of purpose and accomplishment. When children engage in hands-on activities, such as gardening or building a birdhouse, they are able to see the results of their efforts and experience a sense of satisfaction and pride in their accomplishments. This type of positive feedback can be incredibly motivating and can help to build children’s confidence and self-esteem.

It is important for schools to provide children with opportunities for outdoor play and nature exploration, as these activities provide numerous benefits for their health, development, and overall well-being. Schools can incorporate outdoor play and nature exploration into their curriculum by taking children on nature walks, gardening, playing games outside, and engaging in other outdoor activities. Schools can also create outdoor learning spaces, such as gardens, parks, or even a simple area with a few trees and plants, to provide children with a place to play and explore.



Outdoor play and nature exploration are essential components of a well-rounded education and overall childhood experience. They provide numerous benefits for children’s physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as their social, cognitive, and academic development. By providing children with opportunities for outdoor play and nature exploration, playschools are helping to lay the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life, and are helping to prepare children for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.