Monthly Archives: October 2022

How to make your child adapt with the transition

After the ease of Covid-19 restrictions, children and teachers have adopted and prepared for returning to school. Our entire staff as well as our teachers have adopted several safety measures and are well-prepared to welcome our children to their centres.
The following measures help our mentors to get well-prepared for the new normal:-

  1. Validate, support, and listen to the children:-The new transition is most likely to have a substantial impact on the student’s mental health. Children might go through a number of emotions with regard to the announcement of new changes, which include anxiety, disappointment and anger.
    Our mentors always find it is important to hear the student’s concerns, no matter how extreme their emotions are.
  2. Encourage your children for their efforts:- Children often get anxious when they are being avoided or discouraged. Fear naturally arises the desire to run away, yet this type of discouragement or avoidance often stimulates the anxiety more in the long run. In contrast, facing a fearful situation often promotes resilience and reduces anxiety in the long run by helping them to realize that they are able to cope with any situation.
    Our mentors and staff always try to understand students’ emotions and try to reduce their anxiety. We also instruct parents to understand the emotions of their children and act accordingly.
  3. Always praise and reward the children for being courageous:- As our children are returning to school, we should praise them for displaying their courage. For instance, when we notice a student or mentor do something strenuous, let them know we are proud of them for dealing with challenging situation effectively.
  4. Provide clear information to parents as early as possible:-Anxiety often develops on uncertainty and the pandemic has been full of such events. Our mentors and staff always work together to communicate frequent and clear instructions to parents about how we will help children ease their transition.
    These pieces of information include:-

    • Changes made at the day-care centers.
    • Specific instructions for parents.
    • Upcoming and long-term plans.
  5. Always be positive and be cheerful when waving goodbye:-Children are often influenced by the behavior of trusted adults in their lives. We prefer to recommend not looking worried when you drop your child at the day care centre and don’t spend much time after you have dropped them at our centre.

The Benefits of Music and Movement in Early Childhood Education

From the moment children are born, they are naturally drawn to the magic of music and movement. Music and movement are integral components of early childhood education that offer numerous benefits to young children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. One setting where these benefits are often nurtured is in a playschool environment. Playschools provide a structured and supportive space where young children can engage in music and movement activities that enhance their overall development in a fun and playful manner. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of music and movement in early childhood education and how playschools can play a crucial role in facilitating these experiences.


Physical Development

Music and movement activities promote physical development in young children. Actions like dancing, jumping, and clapping in response to music help develop gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. Activities that involve fingerplay, such as playing musical instruments, aid in the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Regular engagement in music and movement activities can also help improve muscle tone and strength, leading to overall physical fitness.

Play schools provide ample opportunities for young children to engage in music and movement activities that promote physical development. For instance, playschools often incorporate music and dance sessions as part of their daily routine, where children can move freely, dance, and play musical instruments. Outdoor playtime and games also allow children to engage in various physical activities, further enhancing their physical development.


Cognitive Development

Music and movement activities have a significant impact on cognitive development in early childhood. Research suggests that music stimulates different areas of the brain, including those associated with memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Movement activities, such as dancing or playing musical instruments, engage multiple senses, promoting sensory integration and cognitive development. Exposure to different types of music, rhythms, and beats also helps children develop auditory discrimination skills.

In playschools, children are often exposed to a wide range of music genres, styles, and instruments, which can enhance their cognitive development. Playschools may incorporate activities such as singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments into their curriculum to promote cognitive development. Additionally, music and movement activities are often integrated with other learning areas, such as math, language, and science, through songs, rhymes, and creative movements, providing a holistic approach to cognitive development.


Social Development 

Music and movement activities foster social development in young children by promoting communication, cooperation, and social skills. Singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments in a group setting encourage children to listen, follow instructions, take turns, and share more. Music and movement also provide a common ground for children to connect with their peers, build relationships, and develop a sense of belonging.

Playschools offer a conducive environment for young children to engage in music and movement activities that promote social development. Group activities such as singing and dancing in a circle, playing musical games, and participating in music and movement projects provide opportunities for children to develop social skills and build relationships with their peers. Moreover, playschools often emphasise the importance of positive social interactions and encourage children to respect and appreciate diversity, promoting a sense of community and inclusivity.


Emotional Development

Music and movement activities can also have a significant impact on emotional development in early childhood. Music has the power to evoke emotions, and is engaging in movement activities. It allows children to express and regulate their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. Music and movement can help children develop emotional awareness, self-regulation skills, and empathy towards others. It can also serve as a form of creative expression, allowing children to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a nonverbal manner.

Playschools recognize the importance of emotional development in young children and often incorporate music and movement activities as a means to promote emotional development. Playschools may provide opportunities for children to engage in activities such as music and movement therapy, where children can express themselves through music, dance, and other forms of creative movement. Playschools also create a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel safe to express their emotions freely, and where their emotional well-being is prioritised.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, music and movement activities in playschools can also promote creativity, imagination, and self-expression in young children. Through improvisation, creating their own movements or songs, and engaging in imaginative play, children can develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. Playschools often provide a stimulating environment that encourages children to explore and experiment with different forms of music and movement, sparking their imagination and fostering their creative abilities.


Playschools Incorporating Music and Movement 

Playschools play a pivotal role in incorporating music and movement in early childhood education. Here are some ways in which they do so:

  • Singing and Dancing: Playschools introduce children to age-appropriate songs with catchy melodies, rhythms, and lyrics. They encourage children to sing along, dance, and move their bodies to the rhythm of the music, fostering a love for music and promoting gross motor skills.
  • Musical Instruments: Playschools provide a variety of musical instruments for children to explore and play with. This allows them to experiment with different sounds and rhythms, promoting fine motor skills and creativity as they create their own music.
  • Movement Activities: Playschools incorporate movement activities into daily routines, such as stretching, dancing, or playing games that involve physical movement. These activities can be adapted to the abilities and interests of each child, promoting physical development and coordination.
  • Music and Movement Storytime: Playschools use music and movement to enhance storytime activities. They choose books with musical themes or incorporate songs and dances related to the story, making storytime more interactive and engaging while promoting language development and imagination.
  • Cultural Music Exploration: Playschools introduce children to music and dances from different cultures around the world, promoting diversity and cultural awareness. Children learn about different traditions, listen to music from different countries, and even learn traditional dances, fostering a global perspective.
  • Collaborative Music and Movement Projects: Playschools encourage children to work together to create their own music and movement projects. This could involve composing their own songs, creating their own dance routines, or putting together a mini-musical performance. These collaborative projects foster teamwork, creativity, and self-expression.



Incorporating music and movement into early childhood education provides numerous benefits for children’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. Music and movement activities stimulate brain development, support physical skills, encourage emotional expression, foster social skills, enhance language and communication skills, promote cultural awareness, and boost creativity and imagination. Playschools integrate music and movement into daily routines and activities to create a fun and engaging learning environment for young children. So let’s embrace the power of music and movement in early childhood education and watch our little ones thrive and grow! 

Is your Child safe at Daycare?

You’re not alone if the thought of leaving your child with someone else makes you nervous. Offloading some child care responsibilities is a significant decision. The most precious thing for parents is their children. Daycare facilities are extremely beneficial for working families or parents in need of child care assistance. At daycare, children begin to acquire key life skills, such as social skills.

Going to daycare for the first time is overwhelming for parents and children, but in all this excitement, one should not forget the safety aspect. According to experts, children left at day care are at risk since the law does not regulate the industry. The majority of these centres are disorganized. In India, anyone may open a daycare centre.

Vigilant parents must check all the aspects of the physical, emotional, and cognitive security of their child. This is important as daycare is the stepping stone to formal education, and children are too naive to take care of themselves.

The following aspects should be monitored by parents regularly and verified before sending off your child to daycare:


Policies on security and open doors 

It’s critical to understand the daycare’s front door security, which includes a secure entrance. Consider the following as well:

  • Is the method for dropping off and picking up detailed and consistent? 
  • How can families gain access to the centre?
  • How can guests or those authorized to drop off or pick up gain access?
  • Is there a policy of open doors?
  • Is it encouraged and welcomed for families to drop by at any time to nurse, cuddle, or eat lunch with their children?

First Aid and CPR

Inquire whether staff members have current credentials and are well-trained in the event of a crisis.

  • Do teachers have CPR and first aid certification?
  • Is it required that they keep their credentials up to date?
  • Is there any training that must be attended regularly to guarantee that they are fully prepared for any emergency?

Management of Food and Allergies

If your child has a food intolerance, parents might well be hesitant to enrol him or her in group care. Confirm that the centre has excellent policies and processes in place to address all allergies and that they treat these issues seriously. The following are a few questions you might want to ask the centre:

  • How are food intolerances dealt with?
  • Do you have any experience with allergy therapy and reaction prevention?
  • Can you explain how the centre knows whose meal is whose?
  • How does the centre ensure that all children get the best nutrition (liquids and solids)?
  • Is the centre “Nut Safe,” and if so, what does it mean to you?
  • Who is authorized to use an EpiPen?
  • Is the EpiPen with my child at all times?

Cleanliness and sanity

We all desire a safe atmosphere for our children. On a visit, have a glance around the facility, including the classrooms, bathrooms, kitchen (if one exists), any rooms, and even the halls.

  • Inquire about how toys are washed after being in a child’s mouth.
  • Are the surfaces cleaned every day and at the end of the day?
  • Who does the classroom cleaning?
  • Do the instructors clean the classrooms, toilets, and common spaces themselves, or does a cleaning service agency come in overnight to deep clean them?
  • Please describe the diaper-changing process.
  • Decide how frequently diapers are changed.
  • Is there a separate space just for diaper changes?
  • Do teachers put on gloves and clean the area after changing a diaper?
  • How does toilet training at the centre work? 

Child Abuse and Protection Policy

As a parent or legal guardian who takes your child to daycare, you need to ask the following questions to avoid daycare abuse:

  • Is there a child-protection policy in place? They should have well-established policies for children’s safety. Request a copy.
  • Is it part of the policy to reduce isolated one-on-one situations? Because 80% of abuse occurs in isolated, one-on-one scenarios, they should mention how their institution handles one-on-one situations. It should occur in an open, visible, and interruptible environment.
  • How are prospective workers and volunteers screened? In-depth applicants, personal and work references, a criminal background check, and a comprehensive interview are all best practices. How frequently do they perform background checks on employees and volunteers?

Preventing Illness at Daycare

Healthy behaviors and self-care may come naturally to some of us, but for our children, whose body systems are still growing, healthy habits must be taught.

Here are some ideas for things to discuss with the centre:

  • Tell me about the sick leave policy.
  • Is it a part of the curriculum to promote a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, lots of rest, eating excellent, healthful meals, and maintaining good hygiene?
  • Can you provide me with an example of a snack or lunch menu?
  • Is it easy to find tissues, sinks, and liquid soap?
  • Do ill children have to stay away from the centre for a particular amount of time?
  • What happens if a child becomes ill during the school day?

Health and safety are important factors when searching for quality daycare, but they aren’t the only elements to consider. Don’t hesitate to ask about the things that matter to you. There is nothing more important than the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is safe, happy, and well-cared-for!

At ipsaa daycare, we strive for the child’s holistic development. It’s like a second home for the children, and we also provide good, nutritious home-cooked meals for the children. One of our best daycare schools is in Gurgaon, and you are welcome to check out our nearest centre and find the daycare of your dreams.