Let’s walk through the Daycare you need for your Child
We make a million choices for our children in the course of their lives – some big, some small, some trivial, some monumental. And some choices may seem like a short-term decision but end up impacting our children’s lives more than we ever could have imagined. Picking a daycare for your child is a very important decision to make, and not one that should be rushed into lightly. You want make sure you’re choosing the absolute best environment for your child; one in which they can grow and thrive. Every parent wants the best for their child and finding the right place and people to care for your little one takes time, research, and the know-how to ask the right questions.
Choosing the right daycare can be difficult. Whether you’re just returning to work after becoming a parent, moving, or simply exploring other options, there’s always a lot of factors to consider, and each daycare provider will have their own pros and cons. Choosing the right daycare will ultimately affect your child’s happiness and your peace of mind. Although we all know the bulk of child-raising responsibility falls on mom’s and dad’s shoulders, as it should, no couple, and certainly no mother, can do it alone. And moreover, no one should have to. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, and neighbors are all great backup, but finding a good Daycare program — even if you’re a stay-at- home mom — is important, too.

How To Choose The Right Daycare:
- Look for a good reputation Daycare with clean & healthy settings
- You need to decide what’s better for your child, a daycare center near home, or one closer to work? You need to prioritize what’s best for both you, and your child.
- Ask about the curriculum with solidly constructed that will both stimulate your child’s development and provide fun and entertainment.
- Structured schedule that includes physical activity, quiet time, both group and individual activities, meals, snacks and free time, all at age-appropriate levels.
- Check out their menu, serving healthy food and a solid set of nutritious food choices.
- Center’s license and credentials that guarantees a certain base standard of quality, security, safety and a guarantee of quality care.
- Trained and compassionate staff to interact with the children well, responsibly and
enthusiastically, well-prepared, both for everyday care and for emergencies.
Ipsaa is like a large Indian home for children experiencing joy to their journey of growing up being:
Competent, capable of complex thinking, curious, and rich in potential. We believe that all children have the right to quality care in a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment. Ipsaa’s environment facilitates learning opportunities while supporting social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of children.

Our philosophy is based on child development principles, centering on the concept of interaction and exploration during play as a natural way of learning. We make children interact with materials and their peers, they clarify and extend their understanding of the world. This also encourages children to become responsible, productive, problem solving individuals, capable of independence and self-regulation.
Our compassionate teacher-supported environment engages children learning experiences and fosters healthy self-esteem in each child, providing a sense of belonging, well-being, and the ability to express themselves in a stimulating environment.
At Ipsaa we see parents as experts who understand their children and must play an active role in their development. Our Quarterly Structured Evaluation program, Open-Door Policy and Ongoing Communication with parents is crucial for the child’s continuous learning. Work differently Encouraging and engaging children to interact with the world around them and helps children to conquer their fears and build their confidence.
Maintains certain standards in place to ensure a safe and happy environment for your child. Gives more personal attention and less exposure to illness and Continuous care and gives your child lots of face time and socialization with other children. We have made ourselves flexible to stay open for about 12 hours to support a variety of parent schedules.
As working parents, we know the one thing you worry about most – your children. It’s hard to be fully focused on your job when you have to leave your baby or toddler in the care of someone else so let these factors guide you, and I’m sure by now you will know the kind of Daycare that will be a perfect fit for your child.