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Tips for Creating a Safe and Stimulating Play Environment in Preschool

At preschools, it’s a top priority to create a safe and stimulating environment for children to play and grow. After all, play is an essential part of a child’s development, and a positive play experience can set them on a path to success later in life. But how do you ensure that the play environment is both safe and stimulating? 

In this blog, we will discuss some practical and easy-to-implement tips for creating a play environment that will keep your preschool-going children safe while fostering their growth and development. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or caregiver, these tips will help you create a fun-filled and engaging environment for children to explore and learn. So, if you’re ready to provide your children with the best play experience possible, read on and discover how to create a safe and stimulating play environment!


Why Create a Safe and Simulating Play Environment

Children are curious little explorers, always eager to learn and discover the world around them. Play is a critical part of their development, helping them develop social skills, fine motor skills, and problem-solving abilities. But how do we make sure that the play environment is both safe and stimulating for them?

  • Creating a safe and stimulating play environment in preschool is vital for providing children with the best possible learning experiences. 
  • A safe play environment ensures that children can play freely without any risks to their safety or well-being. 
  • It includes age-appropriate equipment, proper supervision, and well-maintained play areas. On the other hand, a stimulating play environment encourages creativity, imagination, and social interaction. 
  • By providing a variety of play materials and encouraging exploration, caregivers can foster a fun and engaging learning environment for children.


Tips for Creating a Safe and Stimulating Play Environment in Preschool

Creating a safe and stimulating play environment in preschool sets the foundation for a child’s lifelong learning and development. A safe environment prevents accidents and injuries, reducing the risk of long-term consequences on a child’s physical and mental health. Meanwhile, a stimulating environment helps children develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and social skills that they will need in their future endeavours. Let’s dive into the tips for creating a safe and stimulating play environment in preschool. 


Designate a space for play: 

Preschool kids need a designated play area where they can unleash their energy, imagination, and creativity without worrying about hazards or distractions. A colourful and spacious playroom filled with natural light, soft mats, and fun wall decals will make kids feel like they’re in a magical wonderland where anything is possible! Ipsaa Day Care is designed with a spacious and colourful playroom that provides a safe and stimulating environment for kids to play and learn.


Use age-appropriate toys and materials: 

Let’s face it, not all toys are created equal. Some are too boring, some are too complicated, and some are just plain dangerous. But fear not, there are plenty of awesome toys and materials out there that are safe, stimulating, and age-appropriate! From building blocks and play dough to puzzles and musical instruments, preschool kids will have a blast exploring and learning with the right toys.


Encourage active play: 

Do you remember how much fun it was to run, jump, climb, and play when you were a kid? Well, guess what? It’s still just as fun! Active play not only helps preschool kids develop their gross motor skills, but also promotes their physical health, social skills, and self-confidence. So, let’s get moving and have a dance party, a relay race, or a game of tag! By providing a safe and stimulating environment for active play, Ipsaa Daycare helps preschool children develop their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive skills.


Provide opportunities for imaginative play: 

Who says you need fancy toys or gadgets to have fun? All you need is a little imagination! Dress-up clothes, puppets, play kitchens, and cardboard boxes can turn any space into a magical kingdom, a bustling city, or a cosy home. Imaginative play not only sparks creativity and curiosity but also fosters empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills. By providing the opportunities like those, Ipsaa Daycare helps children develop their cognitive, emotional, and social skills while having fun.


Incorporate learning into play:

Did you know that preschool kids learn best through play? Yup, it’s true! Play-based learning not only makes learning more fun and engaging but also helps kids retain information and develop critical thinking skills. From counting and sorting to exploring nature and reading books, there are endless ways to weave learning into playtime.


Establish rules and routines: 

While preschool kids love to explore and have fun, they also need structure and guidance to feel safe and secure. Simple and consistent rules, such as “be kind,” “share,” and “clean up after yourself,” can help kids understand boundaries and respect others. Daily routines, such as circle time, snack time, and nap time, can also help kids feel more comfortable and confident in their environment. With a team of experienced caregivers, Ipsaa Daycare provides a safe and structured environment that supports kids’ growth and development. 


Provide adult supervision: 

Finally, let’s not forget the importance of adult supervision in creating a safe and stimulating play environment. Adults can not only ensure safety and prevent accidents but also provide guidance, support, and encouragement for preschool kids. Whether it’s joining in on playtime, reading a story, or simply observing from a distance, adults play a crucial role in helping kids learn, grow, and thrive. Caregivers at Ipsaa Daycare, actively participate in playtime, read stories, and monitor activities to ensure a safe and nurturing environment. They also maintain regular communication with parents to keep them informed about their child’s progress and activities throughout the day.



In conclusion, creating a safe and stimulating play environment in preschool is crucial for fostering children’s development and setting them on the path to success. At Ipsaa Daycare, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing and engaging space that promotes children’s growth and development. Our carefully designed play areas, experienced staff, and playful activities ensure that children have a fun and safe learning experience every day. Whether it’s encouraging imaginative play, providing opportunities for active play, or establishing clear rules and routines, we are committed to creating a stimulating and supportive environment that meets the unique needs of each child. Let’s work together to create a safe and stimulating play environment for our little ones! To learn more about how Ipsaa Day Care creates a supportive and stimulating environment, visit

The Best Ways to Utilize the Healthy Food For Healthy Lifestyle

Learn how to control your child’s hunger pangs and delay gratification to make healthy decisions, avoid temptations, and choose bigger, long-term benefits over small, immediate rewards.

Margaret Mead had rightly said, “It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet.” For most of us, changing unhealthy eating habits is a Herculean task. By teaching your children healthy eating habits, and modeling these behaviors in yourself, you can help your children maintain a healthy weight and normal growth. Also, the eating habits your children pick up when they are young will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when they are adults.

From misconception and equating healthy food to bland food to contradictory food studies, there are numerous affaires which make healthy eating a complicated affair. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. “Healthy eating should be varied and delicious,” says FiorellaDiCarlo, an NYC-based registered dietitian.

Healthy Food For Healthy Lifestyle


Traditional food: What it is & What isn’t

A traditionally lifestyle is based on minimally processed food, prepared in a traditional ways, that preserves as much nutrition as possible. It utilizes natural fats (which are natural, not man made), natural sweeteners (organically grown)fruits, veggies, & herbs as much as you can.

It also includes sour dough breads, bone broth, soaked grains, legumes, nuts, and probiotic rich ferments. What it doesn’t include is corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, or genetically modified anything.

Here are ten easy-peasy tips to start eating healthy with your child (and actually stick to it):

Choose whole foods instead of processed
Swap your frozen pizza and instant ramen with whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They are packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals as opposed to processed foods which contain empty calories. “Commit to adding veggies to your lunch and dinner and fruit to your snack.”

Guide your family’s choices rather than dictate foods

Make a wide variety of healthful foods available in the house. This practice will help your children learn how to make healthy food choices. Leave the unhealthy choices like chips, soda, and juice at the grocery store. Serve water with meals.

Encourage your children to eat slowly

A child can detect hunger and fullness better when they eat slowly. Before offering a second helping or serving, ask your child to wait at least 15 minutes to see if they are truly still hungry. This will give the brain time to register fullness. Also, that second helping should be much smaller than the first. And if possible, load that second helping with more veggies.


Keep healthy food readily available
When you get hungry, you’re more likely to eat the first thing you see on the kitchen counter or in the cupboard. Keep healthy food in easily accessible and visible places in your home. Put some fruits in a basket and place it oyn the kitchen counter, store healthy snacks at eye level in your pantry and stock up your fridge with small batches of cooked whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. At dining table, store quick bites like almonds, pistachios and dried berries in a jar.

Eat meals together as a family as often as possible
Try to make mealtimes pleasant with conversation and sharing, not a time for scolding or arguing. If mealtimes are unpleasant, children may try to eat faster to leave the table as soon as possible. They then may learn to associate eating with stress.

Try the “Outer Ring” technique while buying food
Author James Clear suggests using this smart strategy while grocery shopping. “Only shop on the outer perimeter of the store. This is usually where the healthy food lives: fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, and nuts. If you only shop on the outer ring, then you’re more likely to buy healthy foods,” he explains.

Plan for snacks.
Continuous snacking may lead to overeating, but snacks that are planned at specific times during the day can be part of a nutritious diet, without spoiling a child’s appetite at meal times. You should make snacks as nutritious as possible, without depriving your children of occasional chips or cookies, especially at parties or other social events. Have healthy snacks within reach and at eye level.

Healthy Food

Go nuts for nuts (and seeds).
From protein and healthy fats to vitamins and minerals, these superfoods pack a serious nutritional punch. Similarly, seeds like chia, flaxseed and pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses too. They are an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium. You can add them to your favorite baking recipe, sprinkle them over your cereal or simply munch on them instead of a candy bar.

Make sure your children’s meals outside the home are balanced.
Find out more about their school lunch program, or pack their lunch to include a variety of foods. Also, select healthier items when dining at restaurant. Pay attention to portion size and ingredients. Read food labels and limit foods with trans fat.

Add more probiotic foods to your diet.
Consume probiotic foods “like Kefir to improve healthy gut bacteria which is responsible for digestion, extraction of nutrients from food and building the immune system,” says the nutrition experts. Probiotic foods like yogurt, apple cider vinegar and soft cheeses are also gut-friendly.

Other than that, increase water intake to “at least two liters a day”. Also, don’t shun fatty food. “Naturally occurring fats like fat in dairy products allow you to feel fuller longer and to better absorb fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin-D.

Start making these simple dietary changes today and transform yourself and your families!

Healthy Food

The Benefits of Music and Movement in Early Childhood Education

From the moment children are born, they are naturally drawn to the magic of music and movement. Music and movement are integral components of early childhood education that offer numerous benefits to young children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. One setting where these benefits are often nurtured is in a playschool environment. Playschools provide a structured and supportive space where young children can engage in music and movement activities that enhance their overall development in a fun and playful manner. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of music and movement in early childhood education and how playschools can play a crucial role in facilitating these experiences.


Physical Development

Music and movement activities promote physical development in young children. Actions like dancing, jumping, and clapping in response to music help develop gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. Activities that involve fingerplay, such as playing musical instruments, aid in the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Regular engagement in music and movement activities can also help improve muscle tone and strength, leading to overall physical fitness.

Play schools provide ample opportunities for young children to engage in music and movement activities that promote physical development. For instance, playschools often incorporate music and dance sessions as part of their daily routine, where children can move freely, dance, and play musical instruments. Outdoor playtime and games also allow children to engage in various physical activities, further enhancing their physical development.


Cognitive Development

Music and movement activities have a significant impact on cognitive development in early childhood. Research suggests that music stimulates different areas of the brain, including those associated with memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Movement activities, such as dancing or playing musical instruments, engage multiple senses, promoting sensory integration and cognitive development. Exposure to different types of music, rhythms, and beats also helps children develop auditory discrimination skills.

In playschools, children are often exposed to a wide range of music genres, styles, and instruments, which can enhance their cognitive development. Playschools may incorporate activities such as singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments into their curriculum to promote cognitive development. Additionally, music and movement activities are often integrated with other learning areas, such as math, language, and science, through songs, rhymes, and creative movements, providing a holistic approach to cognitive development.


Social Development 

Music and movement activities foster social development in young children by promoting communication, cooperation, and social skills. Singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments in a group setting encourage children to listen, follow instructions, take turns, and share more. Music and movement also provide a common ground for children to connect with their peers, build relationships, and develop a sense of belonging.

Playschools offer a conducive environment for young children to engage in music and movement activities that promote social development. Group activities such as singing and dancing in a circle, playing musical games, and participating in music and movement projects provide opportunities for children to develop social skills and build relationships with their peers. Moreover, playschools often emphasise the importance of positive social interactions and encourage children to respect and appreciate diversity, promoting a sense of community and inclusivity.


Emotional Development

Music and movement activities can also have a significant impact on emotional development in early childhood. Music has the power to evoke emotions, and is engaging in movement activities. It allows children to express and regulate their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. Music and movement can help children develop emotional awareness, self-regulation skills, and empathy towards others. It can also serve as a form of creative expression, allowing children to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a nonverbal manner.

Playschools recognize the importance of emotional development in young children and often incorporate music and movement activities as a means to promote emotional development. Playschools may provide opportunities for children to engage in activities such as music and movement therapy, where children can express themselves through music, dance, and other forms of creative movement. Playschools also create a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel safe to express their emotions freely, and where their emotional well-being is prioritised.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, music and movement activities in playschools can also promote creativity, imagination, and self-expression in young children. Through improvisation, creating their own movements or songs, and engaging in imaginative play, children can develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. Playschools often provide a stimulating environment that encourages children to explore and experiment with different forms of music and movement, sparking their imagination and fostering their creative abilities.


Playschools Incorporating Music and Movement 

Playschools play a pivotal role in incorporating music and movement in early childhood education. Here are some ways in which they do so:

  • Singing and Dancing: Playschools introduce children to age-appropriate songs with catchy melodies, rhythms, and lyrics. They encourage children to sing along, dance, and move their bodies to the rhythm of the music, fostering a love for music and promoting gross motor skills.
  • Musical Instruments: Playschools provide a variety of musical instruments for children to explore and play with. This allows them to experiment with different sounds and rhythms, promoting fine motor skills and creativity as they create their own music.
  • Movement Activities: Playschools incorporate movement activities into daily routines, such as stretching, dancing, or playing games that involve physical movement. These activities can be adapted to the abilities and interests of each child, promoting physical development and coordination.
  • Music and Movement Storytime: Playschools use music and movement to enhance storytime activities. They choose books with musical themes or incorporate songs and dances related to the story, making storytime more interactive and engaging while promoting language development and imagination.
  • Cultural Music Exploration: Playschools introduce children to music and dances from different cultures around the world, promoting diversity and cultural awareness. Children learn about different traditions, listen to music from different countries, and even learn traditional dances, fostering a global perspective.
  • Collaborative Music and Movement Projects: Playschools encourage children to work together to create their own music and movement projects. This could involve composing their own songs, creating their own dance routines, or putting together a mini-musical performance. These collaborative projects foster teamwork, creativity, and self-expression.



Incorporating music and movement into early childhood education provides numerous benefits for children’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. Music and movement activities stimulate brain development, support physical skills, encourage emotional expression, foster social skills, enhance language and communication skills, promote cultural awareness, and boost creativity and imagination. Playschools integrate music and movement into daily routines and activities to create a fun and engaging learning environment for young children. So let’s embrace the power of music and movement in early childhood education and watch our little ones thrive and grow! 

Reopening of day-care center post-pandemic

Reopening of day-care center post-pandemic
Like everyone else, most of us are still thinking about what reopening of day-care centers in a pandemic will even look like.
What can we expect, or make ourselves ready for?
How it’s going to feel to have our children coming back?
How does a two-year-old even act in accordance with social distancing?
All these questions seem like floating at bay which doesn’t have any concrete answers.
The main focus of reopening day-care centers is to stay well prepared. Here at ipsaa, we have not only finished our back-end work but also have a well-structured guide on how to reopen our day care as safely as possible.


Preventive measures:
1) Screening:-
– Regular thermal screening of staff, children, and parents.

2) Sanitizing:-
– Periodically disinfect surfaces and toys.
– Regular hand washing.

3) Vaccinated staff and mentors.
Following all these procedures, we ensure the safety of our children.
Along with these three preventive measures, we have also put up some essential protocols for parents to follow that include a set pick-up and drop time, no entry for anyone other than children and staff in our playschool, and only one parent assisting the child.
After all, learning takes place in an abode that ensures safety and fun. Our children are our priority: these above-mentioned guidelines will help them to restart the Journey of Joy.

How did we get accustomed to the new normal:-
We are delighted to welcome the return of our children with the reopening of more centers in different regions. Even if it wasn’t easy for our children at first, after such a long time they have finally settled in at home. We have improvised our academic curriculum with the post-lockdown in mind. We let our children learn social skills, emotional and cognitive behavior and phonetics through various fun activities.

Fun activities at ipsaa
1) Welcoming Activities: – To greet the student in the morning we play different morning rhymes or music and also indulge them in various activities like finger puppets, colouring the sheets, etc.

2) Physical Activities: – We involve our children in various physical activities such as playing different games and practicing Yoga. This not only helps them in getting involved in a healthy lifestyle but also focuses on gross and fine motor development. It encourages our students to improve their stamina and strengthen their immunity.
3) Art and Craft: – Art allows children to enhance their creativity, which is essential throughout their life. Involving the children in art and craft let them express and cope with their feeling. It also helps in developing the mental growth of our children by providing opportunities to be innovative, and new ways of thinking. Some of our creative activities focus on drawing sceneries and pottery making, etc.

Pushpa Kaswan


I want to express my sincere thanks to the school management and especially to the pre-nursery team, as teachers are really very friendly and caring so they are able to make a child learn in their own homelike environment. Only because of that Iva settled down quickly and now she has started enjoying her school too. The main beauty is that at ipsaa, each and every child gets personal attention and care too and I really appreciate it.